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A key requirement for the success of supervised deep learning is a large labeled dataset -a condition that is difficult to meet in medical image analysis. Selfsupervised learning (SSL) can help in this regard by providing a strategy to pre-train a neural network with unlabeled data, followed by fine-tuning for a downstream task with limited annotations. Contrastive learning, a particular variant of SSL, is a powerful technique for learning image-level representations. In this work, we propose strategies for extending the contrastive learning framework for segmentation of volumetric medical images in the semi-supervised setting with limited annotations, by leveraging domain-specific and problem-specific cues. Specifically, we propose (1) novel contrasting strategies that leverage structural similarity across volumetric medical images (domain-specific cue) and (2) a local version of the contrastive loss to learn distinctive representations of local regions that are useful for per-pixel segmentation (problem-specific cue). We carry out an extensive evaluation on three Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) datasets. In the limited annotation setting, the proposed method yields substantial improvements compared to other self-supervision and semi-supervised learning techniques. When combined with a simple data augmentation technique, the proposed method reaches within 8% of benchmark performance using only two labeled MRI volumes for training, corresponding to only 4% (for ACDC) of the training data used to train the benchmark. The code is made public at https://github.com/krishnabits001/domain_specific_cl. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020),
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We investigate algorithmic progress in image classification on ImageNet, perhaps the most well-known test bed for computer vision. We estimate a model, informed by work on neural scaling laws, and infer a decomposition of progress into the scaling of compute, data, and algorithms. Using Shapley values to attribute performance improvements, we find that algorithmic improvements have been roughly as important as the scaling of compute for progress computer vision. Our estimates indicate that algorithmic innovations mostly take the form of compute-augmenting algorithmic advances (which enable researchers to get better performance from less compute), not data-augmenting algorithmic advances. We find that compute-augmenting algorithmic advances are made at a pace more than twice as fast as the rate usually associated with Moore's law. In particular, we estimate that compute-augmenting innovations halve compute requirements every nine months (95\% confidence interval: 4 to 25 months).
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